Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thoughts on Pursuing God!

How much do I want the Spirit of God to work in my life? Well, to answer that question I must compare that thought to other things I want. There are many things that I want and usually if I want them, I will go to great lengths to get them. It's the way I am, probably the way most people are. Depending on our motivation and the desire that fuels it, and maybe because of need if I want to really rationalize it, I will go to absurd lengths to get whatever it is I'm after. It could be clothes, a gadget, a car, food, just about anything. Recently I helped find my son a car. His car was totaled in a wreck by someone who ran into him, so he needed a car. We needed him to have a car. So, out of necessity I drove all over Charlotte and surrounding towns in an effort to find the right car that was safe, reliable and affordable. I'm talking about hours spent on the internet, driving, and sitting in garages having cars checked out! Now, I do believe it was out of due diligence that I did those things. But I wondered after that experience if I really pursue God with that same all out abandon, where nothing is going to stop me from getting what I want! Sadly, I don't think I do very often, at least not enough! Yes, we need cars and other things we rely on to get us through the daily grind of life. And there's nothing wrong with taking time and effort for things that are a necessity. But it really made me think about how easily I can go after things I want, and yet, the one thing or Person I need more than anything else, I sometimes hardly pursue. Don't I need God more? Doesn't He deserve my all out pursuit of Him more than the things of life I pursue? Part of following after Christ is learning what's important. This day and the days that follow, I commit to not only desiring more of God, but also of pursuing God more than the things of this life! May we all do the same!

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