Tuesday, November 25, 2008


As I sit here in Starbucks, where else of course, I'm moved to realize how grateful I am for all that God has allowed me to experience in my years of ministry, not to mention my lifetime. I've been fortunate to know a lot of people from all walks of life. I've been privileged to teach the Bible to middle school and high school students and adults, speak in schools, preach in churches of all sizes, go on mission trips to other countries and experience Christ among the poorest of the poor, perform weddings for so many friends, honored to say last words at friends funerals, open our home up to neighbors and friends to celebrate life, build homes for the homeless, build churches for Haitian refugees, hand out winter clothing to coal miners in West Virginia, have coffee one on one with friends and new acquaintances, work at the YMCA as a fitness instructor and I could go on. The point is I have had a blessed life. I am so privileged to be a servant of the King.
To top it all off, I'm blessed with a beautiful wife, friend and partner who has enriched me more than I can say. I have two wonderful kids who love life and keep us young and we have a beautiful home and health and are blessed beyond measure.
And I'm privileged to serve in a young and growing church community that is learning what it means to follow after Christ in this world we find ourselves in. What a thrill to be able to stand before them each week and show them Christ from the scriptures!
Finally, I have the joy of being called a son of the King, a child of God, and one who is forever joined to his Kingdom! What a privilege to be a follower of Christ!
What more could I ask for? This Thanksgiving season, what are you thankful for? May you realize how blessed you are and may you revel in the richness that is yours in Christ!