Monday, March 2, 2009


  • It was one of the rainiest days I can remember in a long time yesterday. But we still had a decent crowd for the worship gathering.
  • Loved the snow last night but hated that it melted so fast!
  • I'm so grateful for all of our volunteers! They serve so faithfully and consistently!
  • We have two female vocalists that rock each Sunday! What a difference they've made in our worship times!
  • It's so amazing that God has given us a Children's director now in Rachel Sawhook. I just know our Kid's program is going to rock as we unveil the new direction in the coming months!
  • It was a tough weekend knowing that one of our church attender's was slowly losing her dad to illness. Having talked with him on Thursday night and Friday morning, it was tough to hear that he passed away Saturday night. Part of the ministry that is never easy!
  • James has turned into a fun series. Not that I didn't think it would, but it has been cool to hear the responses on the truth of the messages each week!
  • I always look forward to Mondays after Sunday! It's my day off and I love to do almost nothing sometimes after a busy weekend!
  • Another week and more opportunities! Looking forward to it! Amen!