Thursday, October 4, 2007


Have you ever been in a room with over eleven thousand other people singing worship songs in unison? If you haven't you'll have that to look forward to one day in Heaven with millions upon millions of voices in unison. Until then, we have conferences like Catalyst here in Atlanta. I'm here this week with our worship pastor, Scott Spruill and my son, Tyler. This is one of my favorite conferences that I look forward to attending every other year or so. Each year I come away with one thing that God challenges me with for my personal life or ministry life. This year it's humility. Andy Stanley challenged us all to use our power of influence to serve others as Jesus did when he washed the feet of the disciples. He referred to him as "the most powerful person in the room" who stunned them with his act of humility. He leveraged his power on behalf of the others he led. That's the nature of true leadership. My desire is to humbly serve those I lead. Power can intoxicate those in leadership. It can lead to using people instead of loving people. Stanley said our response to power will determine our legacy of leadership. May God help us all to walk humbly before him as we seek to lead others.