Monday, June 15, 2009

Father's Day

This Sunday is Father's Day. Dad's will get goofy cards telling them how great they are. Some will receive neck ties, although I'm not sure why when so few men wear them today. Others may receive grill utensils or a sleeve of golf balls. All of these things are good and well meaning. But what if this year you wrote your dad a letter telling him how much you love him and what he has meant to you? Why not tell him how grateful you are for the sacrifices he made for you to work long hours or to provide the things you enjoy or enjoyed when you were younger? I think most dads have this need to know that what they do matters and that they are respected for who they are. I know I do. It's part of being male. Dad's have enough insecurities worrying about their failures and mistakes. And believe you me, most dads know when they've blown it. At least internally. And for those of you whose dad made some major mistakes, don't write him off completely. Yes, he may have failed to be there for you and he may have been hard to live with. And maybe he wasn't the best husband to your mom. Those may all be true and you probably have every reason in the world to be angry at him. But don't let it control you. Allow yourself to extend forgiveness to him even as Christ has forgiven you for your mistakes. So, this Father's Day, take some time to write a letter to your dad. Let him know you still love him. Tell him you are so glad that he is your dad. Go ahead and make his day! I would love to be able to tell my dad what I feel, but I can't since he passed away over five years ago. So, tell him while you still have him. It's the least you can do this Father's Day!