Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haiti Rescue

There was a great video image coming out of Haiti today. The story said that a ten year old girl and her eight year old brother were found alive in the rubble of a building. The video showed a host of rescuers gathered around an opening in the rubble and all of a sudden the eight year old boy was lifted up out of the hole and the crowd began to cheer and applaud and the little boy, dirty and bruised but alive and well, raised his arms into the air, smiling all the while, as if he had just won a race at the Olympics. It was awesome to see! Cameras flashed and people were smiling and celebrating the rescue of another missing Haitian, snatched from the claws of death and destruction. I wonder if that's what happens in Heaven when another person, lost in the clutches of sin and death, is rescued by God's saving grace? I have a feeling there's a party going on there always! Just a reminder that life is short and oh so fragile and we have a job to do-never stop telling the Story!!