Friday, April 3, 2009

"No Evolution, No Cussing, No Baggy Pants"

More times than not, my wife shares her wisdom and sage advice on life and faith. Today was one of those times, as she felt compelled to write her thoughts on Facebook. I thought I'd post them here.

By Patty Wade
Driving through the countryside of rural Waxhaw, NC, I came upon a small marquee of a church that usually has one of those pithy sayings. Most of the sayings that I remember have "creepy crawled" to the countryside appearing as if some new revelation has been revealed. Remember “Church is a hospital for sinners...Not a museum for saints”; or “If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything?” Well the marquee that I saw last weekend was one that I had never read before. It simply said “No Evolution, No Cussing, No Baggy Pants.” At first glance, we might smile and somewhat agree especially if our religious roots go deep into the ground. These three phrases have been rolling around in my mind all week sort of like a cow chewing on its cud which is regurgitated at least three times before finally digested. I just can’t digest these phrases. Although probably unintended, my translation of these “rules,” are:
1) No Evolution – If you don’t believe the same as us, then keep on going.
2) No Cussing – If you don’t talk the way we do, then keep on going.
3) No Baggy Pants – If you don’t dress the way we do, then keep on going.
My translation could also include no thinking, no discussing, and no disagreeing and by the way, no entering without proper attire. And, if our religious roots go deeper, we might translate this not only to the front door of our churches but it could be written on our heart’s front door as we move through the week and encounter people. We may find ourselves contained within our “holy huddles” at church and throughout the week, “safe and pure” obeying the rules. Christ had a lot to say about “holy huddles” that obeyed rules and regulations and looked down on others. So now I have a new mantra as I encounter people this week in my neighborhood, workplace, fun places and also at our church:
1) If you don’t believe the same as me, welcome. I’d love to listen.
2) If you don’t talk the way I do, welcome. I’d love to converse.
3)If you don’t dress the way I do, welcome. I’d love to learn why.
The commandment “Love your neighbor” doesn’t come with conditions that the neighbor needs to meet prior to receiving my love and acceptance. It makes me wonder what other criteria that I may mentally use to unfairly judge others and cause them to keep on going without stopping.