Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Small Group

Tonight our small group or Life Community, as we call it at Crosspoint, reconvened after taking most of the summer off! And it was like we had never missed a week. Some things just fit like an old glove. I think that's a good description? Yes, it is. When you can share openly and honestly with the group you've come to know and pray with and laugh with and even cry with, you know it fits well! Tonight we shared stories of our summer vacations! Each went to a different place and had a different experience but each was similar in so many ways because they were about family and memories and rest. But the one link we keep coming back to in our group are our teens. We all have kids in their teens and we share that one bond that unites us in so many ways! It's powerful, encouraging and freeing. We know what each is facing and feeling and we are together in this. That's the power of a small group! It's where we share life together! If you're not in a small group, get in one today! Learn what it's like to be cared for by others. Find out what it means to truly carry one another's burdens. You'll be so glad you did!