Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Prayer for a Pastor

Well, it has been a few weeks since I last left a post on my blog. Sometimes life gets in the way! But today I wanted to post a special prayer request for a pastor whom I've never met, but have followed for sometime because of his great passion and skills as a communicator. His name is Matt Chandler and he is Lead Pastor of The Village Church in Denton, TX. He is 35 and his church has grown from a few hundred to several thousand in a few short years. His church blog says that he suffered a seizure earlier in the week and it was found that he has a tumor on the front of his brain. He will undergo surgery this Friday morning to remove it! So pray for Matt, his family, the Village Church, the surgeons and all touched by his ministry. We know that God is sovereign and is with Matt. So we trust Him. The body of Christ is an army of saints who prays for each other, whether we know each other or not! So let's join together to pray for Matt during this very difficult time! Grace and Peace!