Monday, March 16, 2009


Have you ever neglected something only to see that something fall into disrepair? It may have been your yard. It only takes a few weeks for a yard to turn into weeds if left to itself. What about a car? If you neglect to change the oil, rotate the tires, and give it a wash every so often, a car can turn into a piece of junk. Or what about something closer to home, your teeth? Go without brushing for awhile or stop making visits to the dentist and watch what happens. Plaque builds up and teeth yellow and before long you have cavities. And then you're in for long hours in the dentist's chair. Isn't it amazing how the smallest things, no matter how insignificant can turn into broken down pains in the rear if not tended to. Well, if those things need our attention, how much more so our hearts? I'm not talking about the muscle beating within your body. I'm talking about the real you. The place where you live on the inside. That inner most part of you that dreams and believes and loves and yearns and wishes and hopes and cares and is consumed with anything that catches it's attention. It's more than just your mind. You can't see it but you know it's there. It's the place where desire can run wild. The writer of Proverbs said to "guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life." What happens if we don't? Well, it can become hard and full of junk that distracts it from what is real and true. Of all the things that need tending to, the heart is surely the one we cannot affort to neglect! Had a heart check up lately?

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