Wednesday, August 29, 2007

New Life

Sunday was an incredible day in the life of CROSSPOINT! There were at least four people who said they wanted to cross the line of faith to begin following Jesus Christ. This is the reason we started CROSSPOINT and the past five months in our brief history have been building to this day. This is what I was called to do! This is what I gave my life for! There is something about new life that's so hard to describe! When a person comes into relationship with Christ, a new life has begun. It's young, raw, organic, rich, fresh, exciting, challenging, beyond comprehension and all that God desires for a new Christ follower! Now they begin to take baby steps. Heck, they'll be crawling for awhile and as they grow in their faith, they'll learn to walk. Now it's our turn to walk alongside of each of these people and encourage them in their new faith. II Corinthians 5:17 means so much more to me today. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

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