Thursday, January 12, 2012


Change is inevitable just like death and taxes. Change comes with life. You may not want it and you may not like it but it comes. Sometimes change is hard like when your family moves to a new city and as a child you have to change schools. Sometimes you must change your ways if you want to save your marriage or if you want to make better grades in school. It can be hard but necessary. Change can be good as well. It can make you a better person! It can make you more appreciative of who you are as a person and where you've come from and what you have! I recently made a change! I decided to leave the church I started from scratch with my wife and about twenty people over five years ago! It wasn't an easy decision but one I knew was the right thing to do and the right time for me and my family and hopefully for Crosspoint! Change is not always easy but when you make a change knowing that it's the right thing to do, life takes on such more meaning! You come to realize what's really important in life like family and health and you value those you love more. Change brings questions. Some have wondered that it must be a waste that Crosspoint is no longer a church, since it went through a struggle following my departure and eventually merged with and became Next Level Church? My answer to that is an emphatic NO! What Christ did through Crosspoint will live on forever! Just ask Carol Cavanaugh, and Jeff Johnson and Ken Horgan and Sherry Hundley and Janet Poole and many, many others who came to know Christ at Crosspoint, or who found acceptance in our fellowship or who came to know real community through the friendships of others or who were blessed by the weekly teaching and worship! Ask the kids who received weekly hugs and love from the faithful volunteers or the many tireless servants who served together setting up week after week for the new folks who found a home at Crosspoint? They would say it was not a waste! If only one had come to know Christ during the four and half years it existed, it would have been worth it all! A waste? Not for a second! God will have the final say about Crosspoint and I'm confident that He will say his name was glorified and that his will was done! And the good news is that the ministry still continues there! It just doesn't say Crosspoint out on the front sign! It says Next Level and indications are that things are alive and well there! So, change happens! It may not always be what we imagined but it comes! The question is how will you respond to it when it does?