Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Who is Jesus?

It has been a few weeks since I last posted a blog, for which I feel terrible, but don't worry about since I'm still getting used to blogging. I have a desire to do it, but the will power to get it done, hasn't caught up with it yet! With that said...

I'm sitting in Starbucks at Blakeney here in the Ballantyne area of Charlotte as I type this, studying for this Sunday' message on misconceptions about Jesus. I'm sure you've heard some of them yourself... "Jesus was good moral teacher, a prophet, a historical figure but there's no way he was God!" I've thought a lot about that. And it requires an abandoning of all bias and assumptions you may have had about him in order to take an objective look at him. It's kind of like having a negative or for that matter, positive perception of someone before you meet them. Going only by what you've read or heard about them or what others have said about them. But until you meet them for yourself or in the case of Christ, study his life and words, with the goal of really getting to know him, you can't make an objective declaration until you've done that.

That's the core of Christianity. You must make a careful research of his life and using his own words to come to that conclusion, "And who do you say that I am?"